Types of Linux Hosting

If you're hosting, you probably heard of Linux. It was first introduced in the year 1991, and it comes to one of the most popular operating systems available on the market. She appeared to be one of the best among the choices that webmasters choose other than Windows and Mac OSX systems. One of the reasons that make Linux popular is because it is open source. Many developers are constantly working to improve the system. There are many Linux distributions, and let's look at some popular ones.

first want to mention here is Ubuntu. They are considered among the most popular distributions out there because it has features that are comparable with Windows hosting. It is also popular because it is designed to be more suitable as a desktop operating system, instead of server systems.

the following type of Kubuntu. With your name, you may have to guess that is similar to Ubuntu. That to.Dva are very similar in their operations and functionality. However, they do not use two different types of file system. In addition, the two systems are very similar in its functions and performance.

Then there is the Debian distribution. It is built on Ubuntu and Kubuntu. It is commonly used in the web hosting industry. Although it is hard work, Debian is still very flexible. It can also be used for desktop and server operating system.

The second type is called Fedora. This is usually included in a dedicated hosting package. This distribution is based on RedHat Linux. She has maintained a commercial distribution that often compete with Microsoft Windows. It is commonly used on older computers due to limitations and its ability to use fewer resources.

Last but not least, we have CentOS. It is known as an enterprise operating system community. This is also based on RedHat Linux. This distribution is available free through the GPL and therefore, Red Hat has a lot to get used commercially, which led to a more stable and secure performance. This distribution is getting popular and now widely used as forms in cPanel and WHM is used in reseller hosting.