How-To Understand Web Hosting Package Features

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options available with a web hosting package a very broad range, and can be a bit confusing to understand - especially since the options are in many ways, and condensed in different ways, and to purchase a package online. I hope I can give you a breakdown of categories and features are in and help you to focus on features that are important to you.

I break the features down into 10 categories and will discuss the categories one by one company that you understand the options and make informed buying decisions.

10 categories of web hosting package features

1 Operating System

2 Web server

3 Bandwidth

4 Disk Space

5 Domain

6 Email


8 Database

9 Control Panel

10 Applications / Programming

1 Operating System

is a core operating system software running on your computer. It manages the physical hardware on the server and tries to optimize memory usage, disk space, network and processor requirements that come into the machine. OS may not be the same as your desktop, or even the OS you use to develop your website. In fact, the majority of management functions to move through the web GUI, you would never know or care what operating system the server is.

dominant operating system, you will find while shopping for web hosting services including Windows and UNIX. With Windows you will see the versions available, such as Server 2003 or Server 2008 and UNIX you will see many brands of Linux, usually CentOS, Debian, or RedHat. Choosing between UNIX and Windows is an important decision, and involves a lot of variables, but in the end it simply means deciding if you want to build your website with open source technology and with Microsoft technologies.

research program that you wish to use or display a web page to check whether there are any Microsoft technology requirements (MSSQL Database, MSAccess database, ASP, ASP.Net). If you are not pressing reason to use Windows, UNIX, then you will probably be a better choice for you. UNIX open source scripting language a bit faster, but it is also slightly cheaper than Windows.

There are a few specific sub-functions of an operating system that may be of importance to you.

Do you need a virtual private server? It gives you a dedicated virtual operating system all to yourself instead of with you can share with other OS. We still share the machine with others, but there are stricter walls in guaranteed bandwidth, CPU and memory even if the web site on the same machine is getting hit hard. It gives you a great configuration choices with everything, having your own OS. These packages are more expensive than common features, but is worth it if it is a web raste.VPS packages usually vary the amount of RAM dedicated for you, so I would recommend going with the lowest package and monitor the use of RAM over time and upgrade to higher package by needed.

Do you need a dedicated SSL certificate? Most sites offer a shared SSL certificate, which is fine for some smaller sites, but if you do medium or large ecommerce site will need a dedicated certificate. ; Some reasonable customers will send in their personal and credit card information without a warrant valid SSL certificate also some private shopping applications require a dedicated certificate, and be careful when shopping for this - some hosting services they say .. give the SSL certificate with all its hosting plans, but do not explicitly say that the common belief. If the plan does not include a dedicated IP, then the common certificate.

directly to remotely administer your site, you may have to shell us, or UNIX, or Remote Desktop in Windows. The possibility of UNIX shell sometimes called SSH shell, telnet or Secure Shell. These options are only useful for you if you intend to do a low level of maintenance and tweaking, mainly in the VPS package. with a good hosting package with high-powered control panel, you will not need any of these.

you see mention of the ability to schedule Cron jobs -. This is a UNIX version of the schedules that capacity is only required if you want to run scheduled tasks at set times, such as night backup. Most good control panel provides an interface to enter the cron job, but they also provide an interface for performing maintenance such as backups. probably never need this feature.

2 Web server

web hosting companies usually offer a Microsoft IIS or Apache web server UNIX. Both have their plusses and minuses, and it will make a difference to you if you are developing a website or program you are running requires one or the other. Apache as open source itself, has little more hooks in it to run many Open Source Content Management System and the blog engine based on PHP, Perl, Python, and so go with Apache, if that's all you need Windows IIS is also a pretty good open source content management systems and blog engines is based on ASP and ASP.Net, but I'd suggest going with the PHP / Perl / Python web applications on Windows IIS -. see above discussion of why the operating system.

SSL certificate is a host web server, a web server must do additional processing SSL HTTPS requests -. This is to encrypt / decrypt and validate the data passing between client and server for this reason, some argue that you should shy away from the web hosting packages that offer free SSL certificates for all shares. You might end up sharing a server with 100s of other sites that are eroding the server. start a website just to go to HTTPS SSL mode for the actual entry of credit card and not the entire site -. but do not know if other sites on the server are well-run

3 Bandwidth

This is a measure of the amount of data transferred to / from your web site, usually on a monthly basis. Keep in mind that a typical web site carries a very small amount of content each user, and although the package offers only a few appearances for the transfer of a month, you will most likely not shift their grounds. If you do not, then your website is really popular with the thousands of visitors, and you should be generating a nice income. Most web hosting companies will spell out what is the penalty for the failure of its stake -. It's usually a dollar or two per gig, which makes it cheaper to upgrade to the next highest package of course, if your website is heavy on photos or multimedia, May you need a larger share of monthly bandwidth immediately. Fortunately they all offer a monthly look at the meter bandwidth usage, so you can plan accordingly as your site grows in popularity.

Some hosting companies offer unlimited bandwidth package -.. Be careful of this, there is no such thing as unlimited bandwidth, so what you are selling is unmetered bandwidth Many of them with unmetered offers will notify you after the purchase of accounts of what their acceptable use policy on bandwidth and disk space, disallowing you from performing night 500gig backups of your PCs and such activities. In fact, many of these rules also stipulate that you must upgrade to a larger package, if your website starts to hurt on the other permeability of the host machine together again, this is not a bad policy. if you get a notice of violation, the activities of your Web site, it is so popular that your income covers the additional costs of a larger package.

4 Disk Space

This is the allocation of bytes on hard disk gives you for your web site. Great website with 100s of pages can easily fit in a gigabyte of space, so you do not need that much for a typical web page. If a website has a catalog of thousands of items for sale, stored in a database with a few pictures of the piece, then you will need to improve significantly in the disk. Usually as a place to grow in popularity and content, will be upgrading the bandwidth first, and get more disk space, with an upgraded package.

Some hosting companies will include database space and email your space in the allocation of disk space, so plan on how to separate space.

As with any bandwidth, many web hosting providers offer unlimited disk space, and there is no such thing as unlimited disk space. What is sold is unmetered disk space, with the acceptable use policy. it is difficult to violations of their acceptable use policy of normal web pages, just doing something outside the norm, such as hosting and anonymous ftp site of fake files.

5 Domain

This is the number of web addresses that can point to your web hosting account. Almost all offered under the domain where your main site is and you have the domains and Many will allow you to points outside the host DNS records pointed to your email account or a folder, but some do not. This may be referred to as Add-on domains, and most will offer at one of their packages more add-on domains. It allows you to purchase additional domains and point to a separate folder inside the host account. This way you can run multiple web sites that appear completely unrelated, to be physically located and jointly managed.

Many web hosting providers offer one or even more free with your domain account. Some even offer free domains of life, saving $ 10 a year for the domain. Be sure and shop for this option if you want to save a few dollars a year.

6 Email

Almost all web hosting providers offer e-mail, giving you an e-mail. Most of them also offer web-based e-mail, POP and IMAP access, spam filtering. where they differ is the number of e-mail accounts they provide, the total disk space or on a mailbox, and advanced features such as mail list management. It is up to you how important e-mail is you and your web site -. There is plenty of free e-mail service on the internet so it was never an important set of features for me

Many web hosting providers offering unlimited emails, but again there is no such thing. As your e-mail accounts grow, the bandwidth and disk space used will also increase, and none of them is unlimited. So finally break their acceptable use policies and are forced to upgrade to a larger package - again, not a bad thing if your website is growing and creating income for you



is an FTP file transfer protocol used to send and receive files and back to your website. This feature is May or May not be important to you, depending on whether you want a file server to anonymous people over this protocol. Most web sites today to submit files via HTTP through your website, which allows you to access and manage users through your website, instead of using an FTP account.

8 Database

database server is a package of data structures in an easy to store and retrieve method. Database is one of the items used to create dynamic web pages such as content management systems and blog engines. You will want to use a database if you intend to make any ecommerce site to store user data, catalogs of items for sale and purchase.

MySQL is available on most web hosting packages, whether it is on UNIX or Windows. MySQL is open source and does not require user licensing, so it usually offers more copies available to your account. This is important so that you can have a separation of data within your website. For example, your website can have a database system for content management, blog CMS, the items for sale catalog and shopping cart application. You can push all those applications use an example within the database, but you May have compatibility problems if one of those applications requires a special database connection, or table name collisions between applications. Divide cases between applications is also a security risk, since one part of your web site can be hacked expose all the data stored, including users of financial information. If you have multiple sites, then these problems, crashes and security risks will be compounded. Separating applications into different database instances is important.

MSSQL is available on most Windows hosting package, but is usually more expensive because of its business licensing restrictions, and typically has a lower case and disk space. However, some web applications are built to the advantage of its feature set, so May require this as your database. I can still use MySQL with as many applications as you might, there is no reason why a web site can use several different databases.

MSAccess is openly available database for Windows, which is more than a database file level, not the server is running. This will provide convenient storage easier to use, but it would not be enough for any large data storage needs.

The research needs of the applications you intend to run on your website, database and planning required for each will drive you to the conclusion that hosting package for use on the basis of these results.

9 Control Panel

board will be a place that will manage every detail of your web hosting account. All service providers give you a web control panel that is easy to use and provide enough help in the understanding of all of its features, so you can avoid them call for help.

web hosting providers will differ in the type of control panel they provide, however. Two main control panels are cPanel and Plesk, which is located at about 80% of providers. The remaining 20% of your custom built boards. cPanel and Plesk are so popular because they provide rich management utilities right from the box and both can be selected to appear as the host provider's site, but they are expensive to license. Both work on Unix and Windows hosted accounts and allow full control the underlying operating system configuration, web server configuration, the configuration web pages, e-mail, FTP, DNS, etc.

If you're new to web hosting then it really does not matter to the panel to decide, but if you are familiar with the cPanel or Plesk you might prefer to go with a hosting provider that gives you the control panel you are comfortable with.

If you are interested in getting into the hosting reseller, then you will want to ensure you get the license provided to you for your reseller account via the web hosting service, so you can brand and give our customers the host (not call them a configuration needs ).

Many of the Internet to recommend removal of the cPanel and Plesk virtual private server, since both can be a large bandwidth, CPU and disk space pigs. One of the major advantages of virtual private server is able to login as root or administrator and manage operating system and web server directly, eliminating the need to obfuscate the web GUI of these tasks. Of course it would be much more technically keen on those tasks for yourself, or you could platitinekoliko dollars more than a month and get a managed VPS package.

10 Applications / Programming

Regardless of the type of website you intend to build, you will most likely use several pre-built package as the foundation of your site. Pre-built packages are built with some sort of programming or scripting language. can use PHP, Perl, Python, Java, Ruby, ASP, ASP.Net or Coldfusion. Most of these languages ​​can run on any operating system, except for ASP and ASP.Net, both of whom are Microsoft technologies require a window (and application probably requires IIS and MSSQL databases, as well). PHP, Perl, Python and Java are cross platform, UNIX, but it works a bit faster than Windows and usually slightly cheaper package. Ruby jeUNIX only language, and May it be referred to as Ruby on Rails Not all web hosting providers give access to all of those languages ​​with all their packages -. Make sure to shop carefully to ensure that the host language and the package you purchase.

applications you choose to run will tell you what their requirements. In fact, web hosting provider will give you the tools you need to install programs from the control panel, which makes it a breeze to get up and running with a base installation of any application you choose. These days, all web hosting providers allow you to get up and running with the base installation of the most common blog engines and content management systems within a few minutes after purchase.

If you are interested in the blog, read up on WordPress and BlogEngine.Net. If you are interested in the content management system, read on Joomla, Drupal, DotNetNuke, and mojoPortal. For a message forum, read the phpBB and YetAnotherForum applications. There are many more pre-built application will help you get up and running, including carts, mail list management, web authoring tools, databases and catalogs.


I hope this article gives you enough understanding to make wise decisions when choosing a web hosting package. Happy shopping!