Linux Or Windows Hosting

Linux is far more popular for the management and maintenance of servers. It's free and you can have for $ 0.
This means that you are getting one of the most popular hosting platforms and low cost server maintenance. Linux is most useful for a variety of web languages ​​such as PHP, Perl, Windows and more optimized for ASP.

on Windows, on the other hand is paid platforms and you'll have to spend several hundred dollars on this platform. Linux distributions that are hosting most of the Fedora and openSUSE, as well as Unix.

The 85% you will find Linux installed on most hosting companies. Windows is also popular in server management, but have not yet developed many alternatives for Linux and modules that can be used with Linux.

Most of the newer software and web languages ​​require Linux as many users use this open source platform for hosting.

Microsoft Windows Server as an alternative to hosting and works very well for ASP based web sites.
Windows is still under development, while Linux is distributed to many versions of all server editions.
Start a new standard in the hosting industry is hardly going to change because that Linux is a great advantage, while still in the background as a desktop platform.

In most cases it does not matter which platform you use for hosting. But for most people who want to start a web hosting is cheaper to run the Linux platform.

Basically you should not encounter many problems when choosing any of these platforms for their web server, because each program for both platforms should react normally.

If you can not move from one file to another hosting platform you still should not experience any problems.
So, the conclusion is, if you want to save some money you should probably go to Linux, but it's your choice.